Welcome to GIBBIN HOUSE!

When I first started this blog about the misadventures of a nascent author, I had only a small novel under my belt, titled Gibbin House. The building that bears the name is a fictitious postwar era safe-house, as many might have existed, and the London home of my motley crew of exiles. I could not anticipate then the degree to which I would join its ranks of writers and artists, but since publishing my book in 2011, I have had the greatest privilege of opening my own art gallery and of exploring my love of the written word through visual poetry and paper sculptures. Yet much like the girl who first started blogging two years ago, I suspect I don't know what I'm doing half the time. As such, Gibbin House remains a refuge for ramblings...and on occasion a haven for little triumphs.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Carola Perla Part of "Diverse Dimensional Approaches" Paper and Sculpture Exhibit at Impact Artists' Gallery

"Diverse Dimensional Approaches"
Paper and Sculpture Exhibit at Impact Artists' Gallery
Buffalo, New York
March 5 - April 25, 2014

So excited to be part of this new exhibit!
Sculpture : In its complexity, sculpture is both noun and verb, both the means and the end to production.
Noun : The art of making two- or three-dimensional representative or abstract forms, esp. by carving stone or wood or by casting metal or plaster.
Verb : Make or represent (a form) by carving, casting, or other shaping techniques.
Paper art can be traced back to Japan, where it originated over a thousand years ago.
From complex paper cutting to book carving, this is an ever expanding area of design that is hardly talked about.
Selection in this exhibit coincides with being awarded a Showcase Winner in ART SLANT's 1st Showcase in 20014 Competition!

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